Saturday, October 30, 2010

NAR debuts new e-PRO® certification course

Next week is the REALTORS Conference and Expo in New Orleans. The event is incredible on so many levels. National committees conclude their 2011 business and new chair and vice chairs gear up for 2012 . There are tons of great learning sessions, and wonderful social opportunities. But this year is really special for me and the gang at SMMI because we have been privileged to re-write the technology course for the NAR, the largest trade association in the country. On November 4th , the course will be kicked off, with a train the trainer session featuring Amy Chorew, Ginger, my son Hal and I, at the same time the nationally renowned Terry Watson teaches the inaugural course.A panel will also be part of that course, consisting of Stefan Swanepol, Ginger, Todd Carpenter, and myself).
Its so exciting I need to write this blog post to convince me that its really happenning :). Hope I see you there!

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