Today I am in Atlanta for ReTechSouth.
The conference has grown into a pretty substantial event describing itself as;
A place where agents, brokers, lenders, builders and many other real estate industry practitioners could join together to collaborate on how technology can improve business
Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? And I’m very impressed by the people that will be speaking at the conference, Jeff Turner, Ginger Wilcox, Teresa Boardman, Kelley Koehler, Ines Hegedus-Garcia, Todd Carpenter, Joe Ferraro, Rob Hahn, a ton of other great speakers, and (less impressively) me.And, for people that really know their stuff, there is an opportunity to meet the real BoomerJack Boardman. Obviously, the level of information to be passed here is only surpassed by the multitude of awesome social networking rock stars (your author not included).
I’m very excited because I’m moderating the Cage Match of the Century - a ginormous stupendous spectacle of a debate between those two Web 2.0 giants, Joe Ferraro of fame, and Rob Hahn A.K.A. The Notorious R.O.B. And you dear reader are going to hear about it first right here!
Today on the Main Stage at ReTechsouth, Joe will be the Pasha of Positivity, arguing the Pro stand on every question while Rob (a usually bright pleasant and positive gentleman) will become the raging Ninja of Negativity! Based upon their thorough and exhaustive academic and practical backgrounds, they will enlarge the mind through their exploration of four important questions:
- Should Agents Blog?
- Is there a Place in Social Networking for Shameless Self-Promotion and Advertising?
- Does Size Matter? AKA Your Importance in Social Media is determined by the size of your…. followers
- Nobody needs a broker!
From the conference calls to set this up and choose our topics, to the emails we have exchanged, colored by my own opinion of these two smart guys, I anticipate a ton of fun and even more information. So if the idea of two attorneys fighting while moderated by a seasoned real estate broker (someone spilled pepper on me this morning) is at all intriguing to you , I hope you’ll be there when we kick it off Friday at 11 AM on the main stage.
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