Saturday, March 14, 2009

Choose the Right Filter - Not the Cheapest

Changing your air filters regularly keeps your household energy costs down and extends the life of your HVAC unit(s). It's important, however, to use air filters that actually work.

Walk into any hardware store and you'll see a host of filters at various price points, starting at 99 cents. Before you reach for the cheapest products, though, watch the 1-minute video above.

A mesh filter isn't going to stop most airborne particles.

Because buying the recommended pleated air filters can be expensive, consider purchasing in bulk from a store like Home Depot, or from Amazon. Air filters don't "go bad", you can store your discounted filters until they're ready for use.

Experts recommend changing air filters quarterly at minimum. If your home has shedding pets or is dust-prone, consider changing them monthly. It will not only make the air easier to breathe, but ypou'll find cleaning a little less of a challenge as well!

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